This module is at a point that we would like to determine interest in this module by means of a pre-order list.
To be put on the Pre-Order list, please send an email with your name, reply email address, country, and quantity you wish to order to and you will be notified when the target quantity is met to start the official pre-order page.
Once we have confirmed enough interest (70 units), a Tindie Fundraiser page will be started to kick the module into production. The module will retail for $35.
The goal was to develop a mini Propeller based module that is compatible to the BASIC Stamp connection pinout and provides full circuit versatitlity to Propeller based projects. It is to provide a method of using a Propeller microcontroller in place of a BASIC stamp with absolute minimal impact to existing PCBs that accept a 24 pin BASIC Stamp module. It is also designed to be used as a core module for building your own Propeller based projects by allowing full access to the Propeller's remaining I/O.
Design Details:
- Propeller P8X32A-M44 Microcontroller
- Micro USB for programming as well as direct power input (use your cell phone charger to power your project)
- 5 Mhz Crystal
- Vin of 2.5V to 12V supporting automatic step-up to step-down to provide 5V output with up to 2.5A current capability (buck boost switcher)
- Up to 93% efficiency and greater than 80% efficient under light loads to support battery operation
- Max 26mV ripple under load
- Can run down to an input voltage of 1.9v, but requires a minimum of 2.1v to start up.
- Power options are wide: 2 AA batteries, 3.7v LiPo, coin cells, solar cells, 7.2v NiCAD packs, etc
- 3.3V available on header with 2A current capacity
- Max 18mV ripple under load
- Step down switcher is sourced from 5v output
- Compatible with 3.3 and 5 volt logic systems:
- Bi-directional level translators provide 5V I/O on P0-P15 (translators stable to 60MHZ)
- Prop P16-P31 3.3v I/O accessible
- 600 Mil, 24 pin, BS2 compatible headers on bottom side
- Compatible with Parallax BS2 Carrier Boards:
- USB and Serial Boards of Education
- BS2 Carrier Board
- BS2 Super Carrier Board
- Professional Development Board
- All Power and IOs accessible from top via 0.050" pitch headers
- Dimensions: 1.1" W x 1.4" L x 0.55" H
- Plans for add on boards (breakout, prototyping area, etc)